7 Tips for Making Your Website Friendlier to Smartphone Users
7 Tips For Making Your Website Friendlier To Smartphone Users . Guest Post by David Wicks. WHAT do you do when looking for an item or an unknown location? You Google, right? Just like you do, there are a billion other people around the world who Google for information on products and services and almost all these online searches are done using smartphones and/or tablets. You know what this means; for your practice to be read and for you to generate convertible leads, your website must be responsive to these different devices. The leading search engine, Google has even mentioned that mobile readiness or responsiveness of a website is important in ranking. Therefore, your site should be navigable and easily accessible on a mobile phone. 7 Tips for Making Your Website Friendlier to Smartphone Users Desktops have been outstripped by mobile devices and you should implement the following strategies for your site to be reached: 1. Use simple content Bulky content is agonizing ...